Friday, March 13, 2009

Stardate 200903.13 - Help needed for one of my music friends!

Featured song: "If It's My Time to Go" by Color Theory

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Hi everyone ...

As you all may or may not know, one of my passions is producing and 
promoting modern synthpop and electronic music, most of it inspired by
80's bands like Erasure, Depeche Mode, Human League, and Pet Shop Boys.

One of my longtime friends in the underground electronic scene for many
years is Brian Hazard, who goes under the stage name of Color Theory. I
have been listening to his music since 2001, and his style is modern
electronic mixed with piano ballads. Anyway, quite recently, he entered
a song of his, "If it's my time to go", into the John Lennon Songwriting
Contest, and placed first in the electronic category.

While this is quite an accomplishment (the JLSC is a very prestigious
award) the next round of judging begins this Thursday, where Brian's
song will go up against someone else. The judging is based on internet
votes, and whoever wins this contest will get a 1,000 CD package and a 1
in 12 chance for $20,000 cash!

If you'd like to help out (and for me, it'd be much appreciated) please
go to and have a listen to this song ... the
voting will begin this Thursday, and runs from March 19 to April 27.
You are allowed to vote once on each of these days.

This is really a major big deal for me ... Brian is a really good
friend of mine who has been struggling to catch a break with his music,
and this just might be the big one for him! Plus, his music is really
good too.

Thanks a bunch ...



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